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I love it.

This is me just being a nerd and knowing Linux commands.  But it threw me off when I couldn't use cd ../ or cd ~ (to go up one file and to go to the main directory, respectively.)

Seriously though, good game! It's fun to slowly uncover new files/info.

珍爱生命,远离内卷 -3-

Such a cool little game! I enjoy the puzzle and found typing things out longhand satisfying. I also laughed out loud at a certain .txt file right near the end (maybe they thought someone would forget their plan? lmao) In any case, great job  I had fun!

That was pretty neat! I had no real issues playing the game in my browser (won't put any spoilers here, but took me a 2-3 tries to figure out how to keep advancing).

Was a fun short adventure and well implemented. I could imagine this being expanded upon with more story and other features if you wanted to. (executables / file editing / etc.)